Women 4 Water | Milaap
Women 4 Water
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  • Avaagat-GirlUp-SHEQUALITY

    Created by

  • fs

    This fundraiser will benefit

    fund sanitary stations and water systems for schools in Pakistan.

    from Hyderabad, Telangana

Several girls are affected by the lack of sanitary support at schools, preventing them from attending educational institutions. To combat educational inequality, alleviate resource depletion, and encourage more families to break out of the loop of scarcity-based gender inequality, Girl Up ISH, Avaagat and SHEQUALITY have come together to raise $3000 to put towards building 3 toilet and handwashing stations for schools in Pakistan.

All 3 organizations are student-led organizations: Avaagat aims to provide lesser privileged children and families with the tools and education to combat water and health issues; SHEQUALITY is a social platform to empower young women globally - in a time where awareness of inequality, stigma, and discrimination is high, but action is low; and Girl Up ISH is an organization sponsored by the UN Foundation that aims to alleviate problems that adolescent girls face on a regular basis worldwide.

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