NALSAR for the COVID-19 Migrant Workers Crisis | Milaap
NALSAR for the COVID-19 Migrant Workers Crisis
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    Created by

    Foodshaala Foundation
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    This fundraiser will benefit

    Foodshaala Foundation

    from New Delhi, Delhi

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Foodshaala Foundation

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought untold suffering to our already vulnerable workers who have migrated across states for their livelihoods. State responses to the pandemic have sometimes left migrant workers across the country stranded in locations far away from their homes, often without food, water and accommodation. In the absence of adequate state transport, many migrants have started journeys of thousands of kilometres on foot or using unsustainable forms of transport. In the face of this humanitarian crisis, the NALSAR family - students and alumni - are stepping in to arrange transport for workers who are trying to get home through the quickest and most efficient means possible. Our civil society collaborators are working on the ground to ensure that those most in need are prioritised. In addition to travel, we are raising funds for food distribution, medical kits and sanitation packs for the workers in this predicament.

This is our turn to support the most marginalised communities in our country in a time of unprecedented need. Donations will be received into the account of an NGO run by one of our own alums and are eligible for 80G tax exemption. There will be clear transparency and accountability in the use of the funds. Please fill out this form -> if you make a donation to enable us to account appropriately.

Please pitch in with whatever you can share. Any amount is helpful.

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