Today situation is demanding our contribution to save human lives. We are trying best possible with our existing resources. We are running a multipurpose helpline number 9607650206 help people in need, we are receiving calls from COVID patient attendants, JOBLESS daily wage workers, people asking for financial support in medical emergencies. Parallelly we arrange for hospital beds, oxygen, plasma etc. by verifying available resources. We have set up a COVID WAR ROOM with help of our dedicated volunteers. They are 24x7 available to work on requirement to tackle emergency situation. Many a times we were successful in arrangement of Beds, Plasma & Oxygen. We also provided financial assistance to many families. We also arranged to distribute grocery kits for JOBLESS daily wage earner families.
Here is a testimonial video.
Here is a testimonial video.
Sometimes we find ourselves helpless having no resource to help but we could help in a few cases
Many cases are still unattended we will definitely be able to help them with your support.
We are requesting you for your kind support.
Sharing few transaction screenshots from our side.

May are waiting for the help.
Kindly share this campaign with others too.
We are requesting you for your kind support.

Sharing few transaction screenshots from our side.

Kindly share this campaign with others too.