Sushma Rebelled Against Her Parents To Go To School: Help Her | Milaap
Sushma Rebelled Against Her Parents To Go To School: Help Her Study
  • A

    Created by

    Biswajyoti Basu
  • CE

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Child Education

    from New Delhi, Delhi

India is home to 313 million illiterate citizens – 59% of them are women. In a country that still upholds oppressive patriarchal gender roles, education is a distant dream for many women.

But 15-year-old Sushma from Delhi is challenging the norm. When her parents were trying to force her into marriage, she insisted on continuing her studies. In her society kids, especially girls, are discouraged from going to school. Sushma did not give in. She left her village for the big city of Delhi and enrolled in a nearby school. She dreams of becoming a doctor someday.

Sushma has immense courage and willpower to resist society’s sexist norms but she needs your support to continue her fight. Living and studying in Delhi comes with a wide range of expenses that a young girl cannot cover on her own. With schools closing down due to Covid-19 Sushma’s uphill path towards education has become even more difficult.
By providing school supplies and daily necessities, this fundraiser aims to support Sushma to become a doctor and other equally determined schoolchildren to pursue their studies and fulfil their dreams for whom Sushma will be a role model.

Your Support to help Sushma realize her dream:

INR 500 / USD 7 / EUR 6 can buy 15 adolescent girls a months supply of sanitary napkins
INR 1000 / USD 14 / EUR 12 can feed 25 girls a nutritious meal a day
INR 1500 / USD 20 / EUR 18 aggregated for toys, warm clothes for winter, books, school fees
Any other amount is most welcome


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What Sushma Has to Say:

Watch this video by our volunteer Serrena Joy to hear what Sushma has to say about the importance of educating the daughters of our nation. Her advice to young girls: No matter what your parents say, do not give up on school!

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