Help avyaan to remove his tracheostomy tube | Milaap
Help avyaan to remove his tracheostomy tube
  • Sanaz

    Created by

    Sanaz Khozini
  • A

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

Dear friends
My name is sanaz khozini mother of 4 years old avyaan who born with PRS syndrome.
This disease effected avyaan one ear, small jaw and breathing difficulty for avyaan..
From birth avyaan admitted in hospital had his first surgery when he was 2 weeks old, also a tracheostomy tube insertion to help
His breath..
Every month avyaan had to go for a small surgery to remove granulations around his tracheostomy tube..
A year back avyaan completed his jaw distraction surgery in 3 step surgery to help him with swallowing problem, thankfully avyaan shown a good improvement since then and we could remove his NG tube feeding from his avyaan can eat orally and doctors hoping to remove his tracheostomy tube as well.
We could save some funds from his previous surgery but it may not be sufficient for this treatment procedure as doctors want to keep him under observation in PICU.
Avyaan will addmit soon in Manipal hospital in old airport road, Bangalore to start his treatment..

We reached to this stage by your great support and help and now we need some more help to complete this step of treatment as well..
Please help avyaan and share his campaign with your friends and family..

I thank you all for your help and support..

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