Fundraiser for Rescue Animals (Ashari, PFA Kolkata) | Milaap
Fundraiser for Rescue Animals (Ashari, PFA Kolkata)
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    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Kolkata, West Bengal

I asked my little brother: 'So what do you want for your birthday'?
He says: 'Lol, nothing! Specially not at difficult times like these.'

Got me thinking:
Why do we give gifts on occasions? To celebrate a happy event in someone's life right! So we thought why not take this opportunity to spread the happiness on a larger scale and really heal some lives.

This led us to initiating a fund raiser to support a cause and a team working on projects which are very close to our hearts.
Introducing to you, Team Ashari. A charitable animal hospital in Kolkata, run solely on donations, currently home to over 500 patients. This includes 300+ dogs, 60+ cats, 110 cows & 20 kites. It is spread across 4.4 acres and often the strays coming in there are so badly injured, they have no where to go and end up staying back at Ashari for the remaining years of their lives.  
Distemper and parvo are two amongst some of the deadliest diseases any canine can be infected with. I commend the efforts of Ashari to try and hopefully one day, eliminate Distemper and Parvo. Ashari is one of the largest distemper treatment shelters in Kolkata.  

The reason I chose Ashari is because I trust them. I have been following their work for a long time and talking to their wonderful and dedicated team.
Now, Ashari will never say no to take in any animal but the hard reality is that along with the time and effort of the volunteers and staff there, these guys are in dire need of finances to manage food, stay, hygiene, medicine, surgical equipment, etc.

So, a 100% of this fundraiser is for all these animals. Every penny counts, every life matters.
I am sharing the social media links and the contact details of Ashari below. Please feel free to connect with them and experience their efforts first hand.



Donation Coordinator at Ashari: +91-807-372-5820
Me: +91-709-374-5770 (just incase :) 

Some information for anyone who may be interested:
>Ashari also has the option of sponsoring the care of any animal there, which costs Rs 1,000 per month i.e, Rs 12,000 annually.
>Each sterilization done by Ashari costs Rs 2,500. One may also feel free to sponsor these to help control the population of street animals.

Speaking on behalf of the animals:
Thank you. We are truly grateful for every penny donated to Ashari.
God Bless.

And, Happy Birthday Rahul. :)

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