Help us expand the grid of Light in Delhi, India | Milaap
Help us expand the grid of Light in Delhi, India
  • Anonymous

    Created by

    Udiyaman Shukla
  • AP

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Haryana, Haryana

Help us expand the grid of Light in Delhi, India : ARCHAEOLOGY PROJECT

Now the time has come to channel our focus toward bringing more light to the country of India through creating a grid of light in its capital New Delhi.

The city of Delhi stands at the center of an important energy vortex in South Asia, and this is why the Emperor of the British Empire - George V -  in 1911 decided to move the capital of India to from Calcutta to Delhi (Delhi at the time a hilly and forested region rich in mineral deposits).

In the late 1990s to early 2000s, Delhi had a massive air pollution problem (due to vehicular emissions and new industries) which made its air the most polluted in the world. This issue resurfaced in 2016 to 2019 when the air quality hit hazardous levels and posed a major challenge to the health of its citizens.

Many members of the positive Indian illuminati moved away from the city during these two periods and settled in the nearby states of Rajasthan and Punjab, which were less polluted.

Even today, despite the rapid urbanization and pollution of water and soil in the outskirts of Delhi, hundreds of thousands of migratory birds flock to its environs in the winter. Delhi has the highest count of recorded bird species among all capital cities of the world, after Nairobi, Kenya which actually has a national park located within it.

The presence of so many varieties of birds (now almost 500 species) in a rapidly urbanizing landscape goes to show how powerful the Delhi energy vortex is that draws scores of birds to this region.

We plan to help the Light Forces to hold the Delhi vortex by planting a grid of around 37 Ordinary Cintamani stones in the Flower of Life (sacred geometry) formation.

The dark Atlantean network/dark priesthood network caused a lot of damage to India especially using the caste system and colonialism. We need these stones to be buried in order to heal many timelines for India, the country with the most number of people in the world. In fact the Delhi-National Capital Region itself has 35+ million people (this is where the stones are going to be buried. Burying Cintamani stones will also massively help in stabilising the energy grid of the Earth prior to the Pole Shift. They have prevented disasters such as earthquakes, floods, and tsunamis. We hope the burying of Ordinary Cintamani in Delhi will help empower the Light Forces to clear out the primary anomaly more effectively.

A few of these stones are already buried by us in the Delhi area. Cintamani stones are directly connected to the Galactic Central Sun, a feminine entity. These stones have the highest vibrational frequency of any stone on the planet. Burying them greatly helps anchor Goddess energy and also clears quantum and subquantum anomaly in an extremely effective manner.

We ask for your assistance in helping us raise INR 2,80,000 (or $3350) to cover the cost of buying Cintamani stones and burying them in various parts of Delhi in a Flower of Life pattern.

About Me:

I am a light-worker from India on a mission to bring peace and help the coming of the Christ consciousness onto the Planet. I have been associated with Pleiadian and Arcturian energies, helping them anchor more light on the surface.

Ordinary Cintamani stones (also referred to as OC stones) have been activated at several places around the globe, especially along the old Atlantean quarter and in Los Angeles. The purpose of OC stones is to dissolve and clear out sub-quantum anomalies and bring in the goddess energy.

Your support of $3350 US Dollars will aid us in acquiring these potent stones, facilitating a profound purification and healing of the Earth, ensuring a graceful transition into The Event.

Money will be collected for the purchase of the OC stones, as well for covering the costs of transportation to different parts of Delhi, including some accommodation costs in far lying areas.

Donation of any amount is greatly appreciated. Should you have any questions, please write me an email:
Victory of the Light!!

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