Hi, I'm Ajay..
I am planning to start an animal shelter with Goshala and take care of the needy animal. The idea of this shelter is to start an organization for animals who cannot ask for help. Mainly old and disabled cows.
The place where I'm starting all these connects 10-15 small villages. A year divides like half will be well rainy and half no rain with above 40°c. During the rainy season I almost see 90 percentage of land will be in agriculture sector. In that, 80 percent of agriculture land will be irrigating the ground nuts in the the rainy season.. This ground nut plant is well used as dry fooder for the next summer season for cows and bulls. In summer it comes to 50 or less. The water facilities is good from last 4-5 years as the government made a big water project and all the canals are full.
More than 50 percent familes household income will be from agriculture and cattle farming. As the 80 percent agriculture land will irrigating the ground nut will help around 30 percent families to buy it as dry food in the summer season and in rainy season as the grass will be too much they don't need to afraid. Its a kind of cycle. So by all these there will be many cows and bulls every where and mostly everyone Hindus they respect and take care of cattle.
In those 30 percent poor cattle rearing people are seen selling their old and handicapped cattles to butcher shop for very low prices. And few don't give up and mostly they do because they are in need of money.
As Goshala location connects 10-15 villages and just to focus hard targeting this villages I'll appoint a volunteer (or doctor) and I'll ask him to visit atleast three villages per day. As every week once he goes to the villages near by and government doctor is also well helpful. The Goshala office can get the cows data easily. As I see in last five years in those 10-15 villages there will be monthly one or two in bad conditions in need of health issues. we can treat them for free and if needed, easy to buy for less money and take care in goshala as farmer can't have it once it get hurt.
To build a shed, where at least 25 cows can stay, and have to build two more rooms, one for workers and one for store room. Just shelter for cows and two small rooms and to treat cows(place to be build a side when doctor visits). It does really cost 10 lakhs.
As mostly cows are Jersey breeds their male baby calves will be no use in ploughing or any work. So as cow is okay to leave the calf after 8-10 months they will sell for 4-5 thousands to butcher shop.
Those old and handicapped cows and young male Jersey calf, All can be saved from butcher shop by spending 10 thousand for one life.. Around 5 thousand to buy and 5 thousands to shift to some big ghosala.. There is a place around 250 kilometres from my town called Kamadhenu ghosala in mantralayam. Once the calf shiting to those ghosala they will leave for ever. If though someone intrested to adopt, will be taking care. Its all money.. Sad to type
Trust me, in some years this initiative will be heard in a big level..
In Northern India cows like gir, sahiwal and red Sindhi gives milks around 15-30 litres per day with average milk fat of 5.2% . They make good money for their farmers, but those cows can't survive in southern India due to climate.
Amrit mahal and hallikar breed of cattles are known for their strength and endurance, and are mainly used for draft purposes. They has more resisiable power in it is milk with average milk fat of 5.7% but, gives only 2-3 litres per day. They are classified as a draught breeds in India. These breeds are classified as draught breeds because in southern India cows are used for ploughing field. These two breeds are from our region. These region farmers and cattle breed need a help as the profits from this two breeds are very less. All farmers are starting to have jersey cows where with average milk fat of 3.0% and malves calves to butcher shop. only way a farmer can survive is doing farming or cattle rearing. sometimes they have to change because of poverty.
desi cows can be recognised by their hump as hill shaped, dropping neck and horns will be big.
cows hump has suryaketu nadi(as a hill structure) absorbs sunrays and gives nutrients to us through cow's milk. It is said as ' desi cow milk is equivalent to mother's milk. Milk is considered as two types A1and A2. Desi cow's milk come under A2 category and is must required milk for humans.
mutr(toilet) and gobar(potty) has a lot of medicine properties. It is said that " where there is no rivers or wells, still having a cow can make the land use for farming". usually cow goes on regular intervals doing gobar, the studies said that the gobar has required fertilizers that will go deeper into soil by mixing with rain water. As there might be no rivers and wells, that land will get the enough fertilized for farming..
As for now the government value of half Hector land (50 cents) value will be around 5 times of the total fund, as i'll egister as ngo I can never sell it in future. I really like to serve cows and the idea have been from years and just can't figure out myself. If few people joins with me I promise you we see happiness together for sure.
After building a shed and making the area look good and comfort for animals. registering a non-government organisation (ngo) which will completely run without any profits. Then bring up idea, people who leaves in cities and towns are well intrested in adopting animals and they can't keep in their flats or house they leave.. So they can adopt in our farm and will take care everything and we just want them to cover the basic expenses..
Hope for a change,
One day will see it together...
To contact :-
phone number:-. +91 96760 98248
E-mail :- ajaykumar.banagari@gmail.com
Instagram account :- @protect_cow_life
upi id:- ajaykumarbanagari@paytm
paypal:- ajaykumar.banagari@gmail.com
If you don't like to donate in shared links.. Please message us, we will provide you all kinds of upi, bank account details, western union, postal money and any other you wish..
How our ancestors got milk :-
* Humans who genuinely care for cows.
* cows are well fed and loved.
* Natural milking after calf satisfaction..
How Dairy industries operate today :-
* Poor calves separated at birth from their mother.
* Male calves sent to slaughter house.
* In humane methods of milking, seeks only profit.
* Injected, tortured, treated as a product.
यदि नो गां हमि यद्यश्वं यदि पूरुषम् ।
तं त्वा सीसेन विध्यामो यथा नोऽसो अवीरहा ॥
(अथर्ववेद १।१६।)
Meaning : If someone destroys our cows, horses or people, kill him with a bullet of lead.
अनुमन्ता विशसिता निहन्ता क्रयविक्रयी संस्कर्ता चोपहर्ता च खादकश्चेति घातकाः
मनुस्मृति ५।५१
Meaning : Those who permit slaying of animals; those who bring animals for slaughter; those who slaughter; those who sell meat; those who purchase meat; those who prepare dish out of it; those who serve that meat and those who eat are all murderers..
A guru, a teacher, a father, a mother, a brahmana, a cow and a yogi all should never be killed.
–Manu-samhita, chapter 4, verse 162
Cow is like a mother for all those who are bachelors till the age of 25 years, a daughter for those who are 26 years old and a sister for those who are 48 years old. – Rugvēda 8-101