HEEALS is a grassroots NGO based in Gurgaon, registered under the Indian government Section 21 of 1860 Society Act. We have a mandate of empowering Indian local and rural communities to become sustainable in Health, Education, Environment and Livelihood Society sectors through engaging workshops, resources distribution and content creation.
We would like to start a self-defence and self-confidence program for students of schools in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana states. As regards girls, the self-defence program will contribute in their lack of confidence during their periods: their phisical weekeness will be conpensated by acquistion of new skills. Moreover,
parents will be more confident and they will feel more secure about their daughters. This will lead to an increment of girls’ enrollment in schools. Self-discipline hints will help out boys boys and girls to be positive and to be more aware on how they can protect themselves.
- This program will provide children with confidence, raising their enrollment in school and being more aware on how to protect themselves.
- Students will get different self-protection tips on how to avoid/ defend by potential attackers througout the use of objects or by striking on the soft spots of the attacker, when ubjected to physical abuse, violence, crime, etc.
- Students will have the chance to see the live demo of self-defence techniques as demonstrated by the trainer
- Provide knowledge about the different tips of self-protection to keep in mind in different situations
- We would provide children with a self- defence course with a trainer and some hints on self-discipline too.
We would give children age <16 whistels so that, in any dangerous case, they can make themselves hear from other people.
- To girls aged 18 a pepper spray would be provided to help them burst their confidence and don’t feel fear going out by themselves.
- Every student would be provided a small self-defence booklet in which self-defence techniques will be explained. The aim of the booklet is to built self confidence in young girls and boys. In the booklet, will be inserted exercises during the period for girls and confidence techniques for boys.
The aim of this project is to provide safeness to students so it can burnst their confidence and go to school. Many parents are afraid for their girls’ security so they want them to get married at a young age. Moreover girls don’t go to school because their periods make them fell uncomfortable (for example toilet facilities don’t assure privacy and safety). Hence this programm will provide children with a confidence baggage that can help them out walking around safely and don’t make them drop from school.
The type and amount of support requested will be the one paid-trainer, the costs of transportation, the creation of a small self defence and self-confidence booklet, whistles for girls 12-16, pepper spray for 18 years old. For everyone a booklet about self-defense. The total budget is around: 93.000 Rs
We would like to start a self-defence and self-confidence program for students of schools in Uttar Pradesh and Haryana states. As regards girls, the self-defence program will contribute in their lack of confidence during their periods: their phisical weekeness will be conpensated by acquistion of new skills. Moreover,
parents will be more confident and they will feel more secure about their daughters. This will lead to an increment of girls’ enrollment in schools. Self-discipline hints will help out boys boys and girls to be positive and to be more aware on how they can protect themselves.
- This program will provide children with confidence, raising their enrollment in school and being more aware on how to protect themselves.
- Students will get different self-protection tips on how to avoid/ defend by potential attackers througout the use of objects or by striking on the soft spots of the attacker, when ubjected to physical abuse, violence, crime, etc.
- Students will have the chance to see the live demo of self-defence techniques as demonstrated by the trainer
- Provide knowledge about the different tips of self-protection to keep in mind in different situations
- We would provide children with a self- defence course with a trainer and some hints on self-discipline too.
We would give children age <16 whistels so that, in any dangerous case, they can make themselves hear from other people.
- To girls aged 18 a pepper spray would be provided to help them burst their confidence and don’t feel fear going out by themselves.
- Every student would be provided a small self-defence booklet in which self-defence techniques will be explained. The aim of the booklet is to built self confidence in young girls and boys. In the booklet, will be inserted exercises during the period for girls and confidence techniques for boys.
The aim of this project is to provide safeness to students so it can burnst their confidence and go to school. Many parents are afraid for their girls’ security so they want them to get married at a young age. Moreover girls don’t go to school because their periods make them fell uncomfortable (for example toilet facilities don’t assure privacy and safety). Hence this programm will provide children with a confidence baggage that can help them out walking around safely and don’t make them drop from school.
The type and amount of support requested will be the one paid-trainer, the costs of transportation, the creation of a small self defence and self-confidence booklet, whistles for girls 12-16, pepper spray for 18 years old. For everyone a booklet about self-defense. The total budget is around: 93.000 Rs

The project will be evaluated throughout and at the end of the project through:
- Questionnaire for the students on how their confidence has changed
- Questionnaire for the teachers on how they see changes in children’s behaviour after the lessons and the material provided
Methods to monitor the evaluation process will be:
- Questionnaires and Interviews to both children and teachers