I am fundraising to | Milaap
I am fundraising to
  • Umesh

    Created by

    Umesh Chand Prabhakar
  • MA

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Martial Arts and Fitness Academy India

Who are we:
We are a group of students trained in various forms of Martial Arts who run an Academy in Greater Noida, with an Aim to teach the REAL LIFE USES of Martial Arts. We believe and strive to achieve a separate identity of this field in India, not just limited as a field of sports but as a way of life, a part if living.
The current Scene:
Apart from spreading health consciousness and revive the essence of Martial Arts in India we are most keen to spread our knowledge to the underprivileged. It has often been observed that due to lack of proper guidance, exposure, education and money, the underprivileged section of our society is unable to rise from its present circumstances. And it is also a fact widely accepted that an active indulgence in physical and mental works like sports and fields like that of Martial Arts help is a holistic overall mental and physical development of a person. Keeping this in mind we as an organization are keen to impart our fund of knowledge to the weaker sections of the society, in an effort to help bring a change in this world. As we are a non-profit driven organization, we do not keep the earnings we get from our ongoing classes, but use it back again in the development and progress of our Academy. But we never have enough to start any initiative at a major scale. The free classes which we give to the children from backward groups are mostly taken in public parks, without facilities of infrastructure, equipment and other funds required in activities such as participation fees for tournaments, sports clothing etc. On our meager wage and inconstant income, we try to do as much as possible from our side. But the problems as I have mentioned before has led to a decreased interest of underprivileged students in our classes. They are losing hope and enthusiasm, and some have even left due to lack of proper exposure and kits required for their training. Hence, we have started this new project to raise fund for their training.
The future Plans:
If this becomes a success we have other plans too, to make a change. We also want to start separate initiatives for the other weaker and marginalized sections of our society, like we plan to start a separate Self Defense training to Girls and Women for free, as well as to senior citizens, we also have in our mind to provide free training to people from scheduled castes also.
The End Result:
At the end of the course, our students shall be equipped enough to make a career out of this or they can continue their engagement with us and help in growing and spreading around our mission.
HENCE, this is a humble request to all my readers to help us raise funds for our initiative and bring something good in the lives of the not so lucky ones. You can connect to us directly on our phone number and get more information about this project. You can also engage with us and help us with our plans. The raised money shall be accountable in all circumstances to the donors and the society at large.
I plan to buy sports equipment and Kits which is required for training purposes. Pay the registration fees for upcoming Martial Arts tournaments for my Students, buy them clothes, shoes and personal practice kits and save the rest of the money if left to use for the same reasons in the future.

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