Help Ashma Didi Get Back On Her Feet | Milaap
Help Ashma Didi Get Back On Her Feet
  • TU

    Created by

    Trickle Up India Staff Members Unofficial Group
  • A

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Kolkata, West Bengal

Asma, a poor widow of 45 and primary bread earner of her family, used to work as casual staff in Trickle Up India office at Kolkata for cleaning, sweeping etc. In Feb, 2017, she suffered from Stroke & partial Paralysis, and hospitalised. She was virtually bed ridden for next 4 months. She had to physically depend on her sister and son for each basic task like washing hand or eating or going to bathroom. Financially, Trickle Up as organisation helped her lot, and so did employees.  She has started taking physiotherapy and other medicinies which is costing her INR. 8000 - 9000 per month. She is improving and on Aug 09, 2017, she walked to office with help of her sister and a support stick, after 6 long months. She needs to continue physiotherapy and taking medicine for at least another 4-5 months to be able to walk and work again.   We are helping her financially and emotionally. Requesting your help also. 

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