"It's been months since we 3 have been under one roof as a family. I and our elder son are in the hospital, fighting a battle with cancer. While my wife and our newborn are forced to stay away due to the risk of infections. All we wish is to take our son home, safe and sound."- Venkatesh, father

He needs continuous chemotherapy with supportive care to beat cancer.
In December last year, Venkatesh and Priyanks rushed their son to the hospital in a state of despair, fearful of why their son was feeling dizzy. Upon tests, they found out that not only were his platelets down, but he also had a kidney infection. It was only 5 hospitals and numerous procedures later, the boy was diagnosed with cancer.The 2-year-old suffers from Burkitt lymphoma, a type of cancer that grows rapidly. This disease results in impaired immunity and is highly fatal if left untreated.

He is in so much pain, physically and mentally
“He has always been such a healthy and active boy. All his milestones were achieved with no signs of illness at all. Now all of a sudden, out of everything...cancer? He is in so much pain, physically and mentally and I fail to be by his side. I try to travel to him as much as possible, but I cannot stay . This disease has made him so weak, it is killing him from the inside and my poor boy can't even express his pain. He can only say a few words.”- Priyanka, mother

The 2-year-old's body and the bruising on it, tell the tale of his pain. His chemotherapy has started and the process involves pricking needles in his skin. The initial struggles of finding his veins and the sight of the needle itself have left the boy traumatised. Even with a chemo port now, as soon as the nurse walks in, he gets terrified. But with his father by his side, he gets immense strength. Venkatesh keeps convincing him that only the treatment can help them go home.

With debts and bills piling up, this couple seeks help
“I used to work in sales up until December, earning a decent 20 thousand a month. My son needed me and rest everything was secondary. I haven't been to work since. We have spent all the savings and even took loans to get by till now, but to continue my son's treatment, there is nothing left anymore. Without the treatment, cancer will kill my son and I will never be able to forgive myself.” - Venkatesh, father
Venkatesh's parents are farmers and his younger brother is still in college. His father recently got a heart stent. There is only so much this family can do. The chemotherapy is to be given over the next few months in 7 cycles. They need help to save their little boy. The total cost of the treatment is around 9.18 Lakhs which includes investigation, blood charges, consumables, and chemo therapy among other hospital protocol.
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