5 months back, Naful and his wife Safeera were full of excitement, preparing for their baby Yaseen’s 1st Eid. They wished to make it as grand and colourful as they could. Even 3-year-old Rinza was getting impatient, waiting for the month of Ramzan, and the festivities to start. She was full of excitement, waiting to go shopping for new clothes for herself and her baby brother. Now, she sits at the verandah waiting for her family to come back, while the parents go through the regular ordeal of having to watch their baby cry as he is given massive injections.
When Yaseen developed a small blister near the eye, nobody imagined it would get this serious. When the doctor suggested this could be serious, his parents started panicking. They took their little one to every good hospital their friends and relatives suggested. The diagnosis was still the same. Their 1-year-old had Cancer (Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma). They had no idea what it could mean, or whether it could be treated at all.
Your support can give this little one a chance at life. His 1st Eid is being spent among tubes and needles in the hospital You can give him the gift of life so he can live to see a beautiful one next year.