Help us to Provide Education to 23 orphaned children. | Milaap
Help us to Provide Education to 23 orphaned children.
of Rs.32,26,000
12 supporters
  • Shivaji

    Created by

    Shivaji lazarus
  • MM

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Miracle Manna Ministry

    from Bengaluru, Karnataka

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Miracle Manna Ministry

Prema and I, Shivaji, came to Bangalore with dreams in our eyes 25 years ago. We built a life together, with a good job for me as a driver and Prema working at a BPO. We had a beautiful daughter, and though we weren't rich, we were content.

Shivaji and his wife are bringing up 23 adopted children who have felt unwanted so early in their lives

Life took an unexpected turn when my cousin abandoned his family, leaving his wife and three young children with nowhere to go. We couldn't bear to see them suffer. We took them in, helped them get back on their feet, and ensured the children finished school. Witnessing the impact we made on this family sparked a fire within us. We began adopting children who had been abandoned, one by one as  we knew we had the love to give.

'This is not difficult or is the purpose of our lives' - Building Miracle Manna:

By 2010, our family had grown to 10 children. The cost of caring for them became overwhelming, but our resolve only grew stronger. We registered a charitable trust, Miracle Manna, to help us continue our mission.

They call us ‘Mommy’ and ‘Daddy’. what we are doing is God’s work because children are the embodiment of God. - Prema

Shivaji and Prema at Miracle Manna

Challenges and Sacrifices:

Financial Strain:

  • The growing family size placed a heavy burden on their income.
  • Even with donations, they struggled to cover basic needs and rent.

Limited Housing Options:

  • Finding a spacious and affordable home for their large family was challenging.
  • The accumulated rent threatened their current haven and family stability.

Providing Safe & Secure Environment:

  • As the girls grew older, the lack of a closed bathroom became a privacy concern.

Balancing Work and Family:

  • Prema's job became difficult to manage alongside caring for a large family so she left the job to take care of children.
  • Shivaji's full-time work limited time for crucial tasks like school drop-offs.

Urgent Needs of Miracle Manna:

Securing their Home:

  • Unpaid rent threatens eviction, jeopardizing the stability of their family.

Ensuring Privacy:

  • Building a closed bathroom is crucial for the well-being and safety of their growing daughters.

Financial Support:

  • Donations are needed to cover basic necessities, rent, and potential construction costs.

Monthly Rations and medicines:

  •  it is difficult to even get rations for the month which makes our mission more difficult.

The exterior of the home

We need your help to keep our home and help serve our angels better

With your help, we can clear our rent dues and keep our home. We can build the bathroom our girls need and continue to provide a loving, stable environment for these precious children.

Together, we can turn the miracle of Miracle Manna into a reality for years to come.

Click here to contribute. 

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