She's Only 5 Years Old And Fighting Cancer A 2nd Time | Milaap
She's Only 5 Years Old And Fighting Cancer A 2nd Time
of Rs.8,00,000
684 supporters
  • Praveen

    Created by

    Praveen Sharma
  • Co

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Child of Praveen Sharma

    from Delhi, National Capital Territory of Delhi

I will never forget the moment the doctor told me that my little girl had cancer. It felt like my world had collapsed. How do you explain to a five-year-old that she has cancer, that she's... that she's dying?! This is the nightmare I live every day.

Our once joyful home, filled with laughter and play, feels suffocating now. A few years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with a tumor in her eye. Working tirelessly at my small grocery store, I had always managed to make ends meet for my family. My wife is a homemaker, and we have two children—my daughter, and her older brother. When our little girl first fell ill, I didn't realize the severity. I took her to a nearby doctor, thinking it was a small issue. But as her condition worsened, we were directed to a bigger hospital. There, the harsh reality hit us: she had cancer. Hearing this, I felt overwhelming fear and helplessness. The doctor gave us an estimate of ₹8 lakhs for her treatment. At that moment, I had no idea how we would gather such an amount.

Despite my fears, I resolved to fight this battle for my daughter

I told my wife that we would face this disease together, no matter what. We managed to scrape together the funds for her first round of treatment through savings and loans. She went through eight cycles of chemotherapy and a month and a half of radiation. The process drained her emotionally and physically. My little girl, who once ran around and played, is now weak, with her hair falling out. Her bright personality dimmed, and she often asks why she couldn't go back to school and play like other children.

After months of treatment, the cancer went into remission

For a brief period, life seemed to return to normal. My daughter started playing again. Recently, she even started her schooling journey, her eyes bright with excitement. We had so many plans for the future. But then... the cancer returned. This time, the financial strain is even more severe. I lost my job during the pandemic, and our savings were depleted after her first battle with the disease. Now, we are back to square one. She needs chemotherapy and radiation again! She's facing the same monstrous challenge but with even fewer resources!

Our situation has become very dire

My daughter hasn't been able to go to school, and it seems like she's missing out on all the joys of childhood—playing with friends, running around, and learning new things. Instead, she spends most of her time at home, weak and exhausted. The burden of her illness has affected our entire family. Her older brother, once her constant companion, now often watches in confusion and fear while she suffers.

Despite these hardships, I refuse to give up 

I love my daughter more than anything in the world. I am determined to do whatever it takes to get her the treatment she needs. But I am at my wit's end. We have exhausted all our resources, and I don't know how to gather the funds for her ongoing treatment. The doctors have told us that without any immediate measures, her condition could worsen dramatically.

I humbly ask for your help. Any contribution, big or small, can make a world of difference in my daughter's fight against cancer. Your generosity can help save her life and give her a chance to enjoy the simple joys of childhood once again.

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