Help ALAI Rescues Get A Permanent Shelter | Milaap
Help ALAI Rescues Get A Permanent Shelter
  • ALAI

    Created by

    ALAI Rescue
  • AL

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Animal Lives Are Important

    from Bangalore, Karnataka

Dear Friends,

We are ALAI (Trust Reg No: MLS-4-00075-2017-18), Animal Lives Are Important, a dog rescue & rehabilitation shelter for injured,abandoned and abused dogs in Bangalore.

We rescue sick and injured street dogs, provide them medical treatment in our shelter to be rehabilitated back to where they came from.  Few dogs however, due to the severe nature of injury/ailment, could not be released back and hence have become a permanent member of our shelter to the tune of 85+ dogs,who roam freely in the shelter premises. Our shelter & day-to-day rescue operations are funded by a countable group of volunteers cum donors who have seen our work on a day to day basis.

Our Journey:
Started 2 years ago when we were rescuing injured dogs back to back; carrying them to nearby vet clinics, waiting hours together for getting help on transport and reaching out to existing shelters for space & post-operative care (We had no shelter, no rescue van, and rescues were completely self-funded). Determined to save as many dogs, with limited resources and increasing number of sick and injured dogs, we felt the need to speed up the rescue process by having a shelter of our own with basic amenities. 
Through networking, we were able to connect with some wonderful dedicated people, now the pillars of ALAI, who have helped us financially and stood by us in our difficult times to materialise our dream of building a shelter to accommodate 25-30 dogs by mid-2017. We are blessed to have such a dedicated group of people supporting us.

What we have and do today:
We have expanded our shelter which now is filled with wagging tails and wet noses of 125 dogs. We run 2 ambulances & our team consists of 2 drivers, 7 care takers, a visiting Vet and we house about 110 dogs at any given point of time. We rescue anywhere  between 70 to 90 injured street dogs every month and this number has been growing.

Besides helping us in rescue process, our key volunteers have been instrumental in arranging venues free of cost, which has enabled us to conduct 4 free vaccination camps in the last 1 year. We plan to have these camps every year - on hope to keep our streeties safe from diseases.

The recurring donations we receive from our volunteer group help cover a portion of our ~3.9 Lakhs monthly expenses currently, though we are deficit by a huge margin every month.

Ranging from accident cases to blind, sick, old, spine injured, tumour burst dogs, we have nurtured these ailing dogs to a complete recovery by providing them the necessary aid & assistance. We do not cage our dogs (except for occasional extreme-trouble-maker J) which helps them to be more responsive to our treatment under least stressful conditions.

We have had amazing recoveries in our shelter which is the greatest factor towards our dedication and devotion of our lives towards animals. 
(Visit our Facebook Page to know more about us.
Our pages also holds some of the many before-after images of the recoveries)

This FUND REQUEST now is to meet the need of the hour to help us build a permanent home for our aged & ailing dogs so that they can have a better breathable space to spend their last few days under great love & amazing care, thereby creating more space for on-going and future rescues.

For this construction, the overall expenditure we will incur is 10 Lakhs.
Construction work has already begun, and we are now in need of funds to finish the work (while still keeping the primary shelter & rescue-work operational).
  • Compound Wall for the 15000sq Ft land at running feet of 100 by 150 at height of 9 feet @ 260000/-
  • Multiple Rest Areas of 75 by 25Ft with pre-painted roofing sheets @ 210000/-
  • Canine Distemper Recovery Unit @ 210000/-
  • Surgery Room 10 by 10ft @ 180000/-
  •  Security Deposit for land @ 200000/-

NOTE: Income tax laws necessitate a welfare organization to complete 3 full years of accounting, before tax-benefit status could be obtained (For us this date would be in 2022).This means that you cannot claim tax benefit for the donation you make to us now. We would appreciate if you could donate to us regardless; keeping in mind our cause and the need of the hour for the animals in distress.

The most beautiful moments in life are when we experience the Joy in giving a new lease of life to the helpless animals in need.

Your generosity & kindness will go a long way to give these little ones a happy home to live in.

For further details, please reach out to us.

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