Help Pradeep in Healing Himalayas | Milaap
Help Pradeep in Healing Himalayas
of Rs.12,00,000
128 supporters
  • Healing

    Created by

    Healing Himalayas
  • HH

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Healing Himalayas Foundation

    from Manali, Himachal Pradesh

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by Healing Himalayas Foundation

I am Pradeep Sangwan originally from Haryana but moved to Himachal Pradesh in 2009. I come from a humble back ground studied in Military School Ajmer hence lead a very disciplined life although initially not by choice. My school gave me a very patriotic feeling and soon I fell in love with my country literally hence after school it's only defence forces and serve the nation. I really wanted to be in Army but after a small success in my written exam I failed to get through the process of seven days interview. So now the Jack of all trades and master of none was in a situation where he couldn’t decide for himself what's next as that was the only chance he could appear for the exam. So I enrolled myself in Punjab University to study Humanities, a fancy way of saying it and nothing much to study actually. Soon I realised it’s a blessing in disguise and I could travel and explore which was prohibited in my school. Trekking came into my life in 2007, which made me move to Manali in 2009 and by 2010 I was a regular. It was so mesmerising whether it was Reaching to the submit, trekking all day, Pitching your tent, cooking your own food in the wilderness, listening to Shepards and their encounters with wild life. It’s a different world and I was loving it but the struggle came from every direction from supporting my family to the flood of trekkers in every part of Himalayas, a sudden boom in camping sites to travel companies to the makers of travelling and trekking gear giants everything happened so quickly. Himalayas never got the time to comprehend the situation neither via indigenous communities nor the Government.  
There I was adapting to the new world, people, weather, lifestyle struggling to find the middle path to maintain my composure. How do I move forward when I am not loved by my own and what I love is being cursed by unknown. So I introspected whether I need money to do good for the Himalayas or just pure intention. After living in dilemma for more than a year Healing Himalayas Foundation came into picture in 2016. In the mean time I was a traveller showing people the best of Himalayas which later seems like a mistake.

After my first cleaning drive near Hamta pass (Manali) my friends rushed in to help me and within a year what started as a solo journey to remove non-biodegradable waste from Himalayas turned into a movement. Being an outsider was once my weakness and now it became my strength. When you enjoy your work too much nothing seems impossible. Today I have more then 20k people appreciating me and my teams work on social media but we need your support as well, you can be the backbone of our work.

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