Deepthi's online fundraiser for Arts & Media | Milaap
Fundraising to crowdfund for my film, Satyavati - a story I want to share with the world! Every support counts.
  • Deepthi

    Created by

    Deepthi Tadanki

Genre: Crime, Docudrama / Docufiction, Social Awareness

Fundraising video  :

The primal focus of making this film is to let the audience understand that lesbianism is not a disease that needs to be cured; it is as natural as heterosexuality.

Case studies across the globe have chronicled cases of “Corrective Rape” on women who’ve been discovered to be lesbians and as heinous as it may sound – the immediate kith and kin of the girl permit strangers to let the girl get raped, foolishly assuming that that is the only corrective measure for their girl to be cured from Lesbianism and she will start thinking “Normally”

This film has no intention of disrespecting any culture or tradition of any clan or belief, however through this film I am attempting to bring a STOP to such heinous and life-taking practices that are being followed in some places on this earth.

“Satyavati” will stand a story of example of why we need to understand each other on levels of “Humanity” more, than inclining our existence on misconstrued and judgmental rules of some traditional influence or preaching of pre-historic literary references.

Whilst writing the script of “Satyavati” I, (Deepthi Tadanki), I had to be precisely careful about the plot of the story, the sensitivity of the subject, and the characters in the story and other minute details concerning the dialogues exchanged and even the expressive interjections used by the characters.

Why should you FUND ?

If you are Straight, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender or Bi-sexual it is most important for you to know that you are Human first and if God asks you to find miracles in forgiveness, blessings in loving your enemies and Bliss in spreading Kindness, then it’s “you” who can uplift the value Humanity and eradicate Hatred from the world by supporting this film – “Satyavati”.

If you FUND this project you will give yourself a chance to protect and save lives of some young girls who may not have gone through such heinous practices but may fall victim to, if this awareness is NOT brought out. Through this film you will give a chance to shape the minds of the younger generation to understand the vision of Love and bring a STOP to such inhuman activities like – Corrective Rape.


With enormous support & continual efforts we have successfully completed the pre-production of the film and almost 30% of the production as well.

Satyavati, now, needs you to extend your generous support to successfully embark on completing the rest of the production through post-production & further till distribution.

We are intending to reach the audience of the global market & therefore we have envisioned a list of International Film Festivals where our film "Satyavati" will be projected.

We are using canon 1DC camera and the entire footage will be chronicled on live sound recording & thereafter the editing shall follow.

After carefully scrutinizing & skillfully analyzing the base requirement of the funds we have calculated a total of Rs.1,605,000 (One Million, six hundred & Five Thousand only). We have segregated the base requirement of the fund in a detailed listing below for reference.

Duration of the shoot - 20 days - 90min film

Here's my team: 

Image title

Location of the shoot - Hyderabad, India. The entire cast of the film is from Bangalore. Apart from the performing team, other crew members of this project have generously made contributions at par for making of this film.

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