Why am I fundraising?
Sparrow are one of the fast extinct bird. Its our neighbour who use to share our home earlier. But thats not the case now. So many theories put forth for the reduced poplutions for Sparrows.
But people must understand that apart from this, every constituent of an ecosystem is important from an ant to an elephant. We are eliminating species by species which are important links which make the web of life.
Today it's these species which are getting extinct. Tomorrow, it will be us. The sooner we understand this, the better it will be. We need to understand that we are part of the ecosystem and we are dependent upon other species for our survival and not the other way around.
They can live happily on the earth without humans, but humans cannot live without plants and animals.
What do I plan to do with the funds?
Mar 22 , We are planning to organise a awareness Talk on Sparrows. Also Distribute Sparrows Houses made of Wood, and sparrow feeders made of clay pot at free of cost. We need funds for organising the show.
Do you Think this initative will Help Sparrows??
It will Help Them a lot .1 st lets start feeding them and give them place to live near our home .At regular intervals you must be able to see a growth in their populations.
When and where is the event?
The event is on March 22nd at T.Nagar Natesan Park, Chennai.
Who should I contact for more information?
You can contact me at: connect.jananifoundation@gmail.com