Funds for my classroom
Hi I am a Teach For India fellow assigned to a low income school in Pune, India called Kilbil Public School. I am teaching a class of 8th graders and am raising funds for the the following projects:
1) Purchasing a license for Optical Mark Reader software (Rs 21,000) . This soft has been developed by a company based in India. We plan to use it to conduct regular MCQ tests (Science, Social Studies, Maths and English) in our classes to assess the learning levels on a weekly bases. Automating the tests allows us to check the understanding levels of our students quickly and adjust our instruction plans quickly on the fly. If this works, I plan to present my operations report to other Teach For India Fellows here in Pune. My vision is to scale up and increase the impact of this assessment method across other low income classrooms supported by Teach For India in Pune (impact 9100 students across 170 classrooms - Public and Private). This would enhance the "Agility" of our pedagogy as an organization and also acclimatize these students for low income background to taking competitive exams.
OMR Software manufacturer:
2) Our school has recently received old donated PCs from the local chapter of the Rotary Club. Being an engineer myself, I plan to teach our 8th graders basic of electronics and embedded systems programming using Arduino. I would use purchase sensors, Breadboards, LEDs and Arduinos boards and conduct after school classes for those kids who aspire to be engineers. Kids have already started thinking of projects - from a dustbin that opens automatically when you go near it to a kitchen exhaust fan that automatically turns on when the carbon dioxide levels in the kitchen start increasing. I have already started conducting classes (at school and by taking the kids to the local hackerspace) and started teaching them the basics. All I need now is to buy the boards (Rs. 24,000)
3) All funds raise beyond Rs. 40,000 will be used to support the education of those girls in our class whose families are unable to pay their school fees.
PS. Please follow our classroom page on facebook ( ). We keep the page updated with photos of activities that we do in our class and will put up photos of activities made possible through the funds being raised here.
PPS. In Marathi Kilbil means "chatter" - the sound that you will find in a class full of kids. Kilbil also refers to a rare species of a tree. For the anecdote behind how our school came to be named Kilbil please visit our school's website:
PPPS. Last year, I raised funds for the same classroom for 3 other projects. The pages is here: three projects were successfuly brought to fruitition - photos are embedded in the updates on the pages above.