I am fundraising to bring light and life to 2 tribal villages which are in extreme poverty and darkness ever since. Join me to enable over 200 such un-noticed lives and help illuminate their present and future!
At the cost of one dinner (~3000 INR), we can enable a single household which has been limited so far by the absence of light at night. If we forego a movie once(~500 INR), it can save children from the harsh sun, keeping them inside their huts, which are otherwise dark even at daytime.
The collected funds will help implement first phase of the project impacting 40 families through community-nightlights and indoor daylights . The project will be run by Liter of Light Bangalore in March -April 2015. See below:
About Liter of Light:
Liter of Light is a global open source movement with the aim to provide an ecologically and economically sustainable source of light to underprivileged households that do not have access to electricity or are unable to afford it. (https://www.facebook.com/aliteroflight?ref=br_tf)
Liter of Light Bangalore is an official partner & representative of A Liter Of Light (Isang Litrong Liwanag) in India. The organization’s main area of interest lies in uplifting the lives of less fortunate households by providing them with a Solar Bottle Day and Night Light, an eco-friendly alternative to the conventional electricity bulb.