WHO IS DR NITIN CHAUBE to know about him click on the question who is DR NITIN CHAUBE?
He is a BAMS and has a CME certification from Harvard Medical School in management of Hepatitis B & C.
He also has a masters in finance from IMT.
He has a practicing experience since 2004 when he started with online consulting working as a consultant & customer care officer with Shree Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhavan. His role involved consulting patients in the camps held by the company and also replying to patient mails as part of e-medicine practice. He also introduced the use of Yahoo Instant Messenger with respect to e-medicine practice thus enabling live interactions with patients.

Singrauli is a hilly mining zone isolated from the world for various socio-demographic reasons and also communication.The best facilities are in any case accessible at a distance of 6 to 8 hours of travel, scarce resources and trying conditions of poverty the poor often the labour class remains exposed to quacks or touts. While modern medicine facilities do keep coming up there is no dedicated ayurvedic facility.
Healthcare challenge is both natural and man created heavy pollution.
Why Ayurveda finds a special purpose here is because this zone presents with alot of low back injuries in the labour class, alot of mineral depletion or substitution in the body and also a strong exposure to autoimmune conditions. Ayurveda over the recent history has shown immence progress in providing effective suitable and effective treatment options.
Yet at times the cost of treatments may not be affordable and hence will need to be covered in some form or the other.
People here are mostly ignorant and vary of insurance the available option is subsidized healthcare. I strongly believe that trust in Ayurveda can be shown by donating for a cause and what better than making health care affordable or sharing some of the burden.

I do promise to share details with donors upon the usage of the money they donate to this fundraiser.