Help Asha Niketan to get a much needed generator | Milaap
Help Asha Niketan to get a much needed generator
  • nupur

    Created by

  • AN

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Asha Niketan

    from Bangalore, Karnataka

Tax benefits for INR donations will be issued by F M R India Asha Niketan

About Asha Niketan
Asha Niketan Bangalore was founded in 1970, as a community sharing home  with mentally and physically challenged people.Asha Niketan is home to 13 men and 2 women with mental and physical disability and a place of work for 28.
Asha Niketan Bangalore is also a founding member of the International Federation of L’Arche Communities. Originating in France there are now 140 communities throughout 36 countries.
Asha Niketan is a Home of Hope, where men and women who are often rejected by their families and society can become a source of life for others. Our community is a place of healing and the celebration of Life.

How can you help them
During rains and subsequent power cuts,community often faces problems to carry out there daily chores.As water and light is basic necessity,they are usually not able to pump the water to tanks and there daily life is suffered.
Through your donation they can buy a basic generator which will help them to atleast get water supply and basic activities can be carried out.

Facebook page of Asha Niketan

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