Supriya, a 15 year old at Slam Out Loud, is a recognised spoken-word artist and TedX Speaker. Apart from performing to a cumulative audience of more than 15,000 across nationwide platforms, she has had the skills to negotiate change, use creative expression to dream bigger and create her future."I imagine a future where there will be no boundaries, no borders but one land, one religion, humanity, and love. It'll be a world where everyone understands the real meaning of arts and education."
- Supriya, a Slam Out Loud student
But Supriya’s story isn’t the story of most of our country’s children. While our children need the life skills that would allow them to find their own voice and build agency to thrive in their lives, schools focus on only two kinds of outcomes: academic and job aligned, alienating all children who do not excel at these.

Slam Out Loud is a for mission, non-profit that envisions a world where “Every individual will have a voice that empowers them to change lives.” We place professional artists in classrooms for a 5-year program and through lived experience create scalable, contextualised learning products. By using art-forms like poetry, storytelling, visual arts, and theatre, we build creative confidence(life) skills like communication, critical thinking and empathy in children aged 7-17 from disadvantaged communities.
At SOL, we believe that something as fundamental as finding our voice, finding safe spaces to express oneself should not be limited to the privileged class. This becomes even more pertinent towards fostering resilience and mental well being during the current pandemic.
Upholding our commitment to making children’s voices heard everywhere, our COVID-response project Arts For All leverages the power of arts and the reach of multiple low tech platforms (WhatsApp, IVRS, Radio and TV) to deliver mental wellbeing and socio-emotional learning support to the most vulnerable children at scale. By offering localised, need-sensitive and engaging at-home audio, video, text, and print resources for learners who have limited access to the internet, we are leading children towards creative outcomes and building mental resilience during the COVID-19 based school closure period.

Since March 2020, we have collaborated with and learnt from over 610 NGOs and educational institutions, amplifying our work to over 4.7 million children across 23 Indian States and 19 countries.

- Contribute financially: Milaap recently waived off all platform fees and if you contribute towards our work, you can get a tax deduction certificate (accompanied by our deepest gratitude and virtual hugs!). These are challenging times, and every bit of support helps us enormously to enable our children grow!

Any and all contributions will also enable us to bring together like-minded change-makers who can contribute to our vision, and help amplify children’s voices across the world.
2. Engage with us: The Slam Out Loud family is ever growing and if you want to volunteer with us or join the movement, we’re all ears! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter and never miss an update from us!
If you believe in what we do, please share our story with your friends and relatives. This is as much an awareness campaign as it is a fundraiser.