This is a call to action to everyone who’s cringed or raged about violence against women.
Violence against women is perpetually in the news these days. It's a slap in the face of India and its claim to its modernity and progress. Well now, YOU can be a change-maker. YOU can help break this vicious social evil. YOU can back our Modern Day Dandi March on our journey of a #billionstepsforwomen.
Our Goal
On 15th September 2017, Srishti Bakshi started her journey from Kanyakumari in Tamil Nadu, India, walking 3800 km (2300 miles) to Srinagar, Kashmir. With this on-foot journey, team CrossBow Miles hopes to collect ONE BILLION STEPS, from you towards making India a safer country for women.
How will we achieve our Goal?
With help from YOU! Your daily steps, clocked into our CrossBow Miles App will unlock resources by Corporate/Foundation/Philanthropic DONORS to benefit Non-Profits who are working on-ground protecting women and girl-child rights in our country.
Meanwhile, what we have been doing on the road and will continue doing for 260 days is - 
Apart from a billion blessings, please find below (see under updates) the exciting give aways that we have planned to share with you.
- Conducting Workshops on financial and digital literacy to empower women with examples of how they can harness the power of the internet in their daily lives and make savings for their future. These workshops focus on sowing the seeds of change in women who then become change-makers for their families and communities by teaching them their rights, providing them access to and knowledge of better health, hygiene and sanitation systems, educating them about clean cooking fuels and more.
- Building an extensive volunteer network of change-makers on-ground who will continue the mission
- Documenting stories through shooting a documentary feature film.
What do we need from you?
We need you to be the change-maker that we know you can be!
Please CONTRIBUTE FUNDS, as much as you are comfortable with, to help us organise our MODERN DAY DANDI MARCH.
We need a sum total of INR 1 Crore/USD 150,000 to organize this grand march successfully.
Fund Utilization (₹ Lakhs)

Also, please do share our story on your social feeds. We will need each one of you to discuss what we are setting out to do. Download the app and walk for your preferred cause everyday. By adopting this digital movement, people can kickstart change.
At CrossBow Miles, we believe that each one of us is a CHANGE-MAKER.
So please go ahead and launch an arrow of support to help CrossBow Miles hit its target.What will you get?