32-year-old Mumtaz Ansari who was suffering from recurring headaches was shocked to hear from his doctor that he has a tumour in his brain and if not operated immediately, it will be a threat to his life. After spending all his savings and the money he borrowed from his relatives, he is left with no option to arrange the funds. He is looking for help so he can undergo a surgery to save his life.

After several tests, doctors at Sita Bhateja Hospital identified that it's a tumour in his brain that is causing the headache. He was immediately admitted to the hospital and is under treatment.

The surgery will relieve his pain and will help him lead a normal life.

Ansari was diagnosed on 28th March.
He has been complaining of headaches for the past two years but no one knew he was suffering from a serious condition. Doctors prescribed medicines to reduce headaches and suggested various tests, but nothing helped him.After several tests, doctors at Sita Bhateja Hospital identified that it's a tumour in his brain that is causing the headache. He was immediately admitted to the hospital and is under treatment.
Ansari works a salesman in a shop
Ansari works as a salesman and earns less than Rs.6,000 a month. After he started getting severe headaches, his brother started supporting him and brought him to the hospital. "We have spent all the money we had and there is nothing left to save him, says his father, Hasmatulla.
Doctors have suggested an immediate removal of the tumour
Doctors have suggested he should undergo a procedure called EEA- The Endoscopic Endonasal Approach, a surgical technique used to remove brain tumors through the nose. The cost of the surgery is Rs 1,50,000 . Ansari's family is unable to arrange for the money in such a short notice.The surgery will relieve his pain and will help him lead a normal life.