I am fundraising to | Milaap
I am fundraising to
  • Rishabh

    Created by

    Rishabh Kapoor
  • DS

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Daffodil Softwares

As you are well aware that nowadays traffic on Indian road has been an immense issue for existing & upcoming generation, we have started an initiative to reduce 80% waiting time on Indian roads. Differentearth.com comes up with an innovative design to helps traffic move efficiently and congestion free on Indian roads.
We have also illustrated the whole process with the help of this video www.youtube.com/watch?v=56HEJkD9vIg and would be glad if you could invest few mins of your valuable time on this concept and help us in implementing the same.
We'll reach to government officials and release a team of advisors who could help in getting this implemented within plenty of cities

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