Pankaj hails from Bara (Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh). He recently met with an accident and presently hospitalized at PGI hospital Chandigarh. He belongs to a very poor family and the only earner who is feeding them. This lamentable situation has brought them to the roads and affected their lives badly.

He is a domestic painter and nurtures his family on daily wages by doing paint touch ups at people’s home in nearby villages. In his family, his father is already on bed due to old age ailments, mother is housewife who has stepped into old age now and can’t work more to earn. He has 2 siblings, one is unemployed and another is working as a labour in a factory.
Back on 23 Sep 2016 he met with a road accident but thankfully people took him to hospital at the earliest. After some days, his situation turned worse which slipped him into COMA.

For any other details please reach me directly. I would be indebted and grateful for the rest of my life.
Virender Singh Rana,
Hamirpur, Himachal Pradesh- India.
Contact: +918894761777
We "Himachali Blood Donors" is a social platform backed up by four volunteer admins who work anonymously. No one knows who is behind this page and that's our personal choice, we don't want people to know us. In order to provide better and expeditious services we have recently tied up with a web site
We laid our foundations on the occasion of New Year 01 Jan 2017 with an aim to help every needy anonymously and with God's grace we are getting immense support from public.
We have an online registration form where volunteers register as a blood donor and at the hour of emergency we contact those donors to help a needy. With volunteers' eternal support we have been successful to donate blood 50+ times so far and we are also into campaign for collecting funds. e.g. Pankaj's case.
Note:- We all are volunteers and we don't charge anything for the services.
Please feel free to get in touch for more information.