Fundraise for a Cause with Milaap : the Best Crowdfunding | Milaap
8th September 2020
This campaign is now closed! Thanks for your help!
This campaign is now closed! Thanks for your help!
1st September 2020

This is what our classroom looks like thanks to all of you!  We managed to complete the classroom renovation a few weeks before schools closed due to Covid-19. As you can see, the kids now have individual desks, with rotating seats, and table tops that have personal green boards and white boards! We also painted, got some cabinets, a bulletin board, lights and fans!
The change in classroom environment boosted student learning almost instantly. The personal whiteboards are excellent for Math practice. The individual movable seats helped us include a lot more teamwork and peer learning in our lessons. Infact, students with learning levels below grade level actually showed a year's worth of growth in 3 weeks because our lessons were able to incorporate peer to peer learning thanks to the new set up!
The students and I are so grateful for your support! The best part is, this has inspired the Government School teachers to shift the way they think about learning environment and are now thinking of ways to improve other classrooms in the school as well!
Please feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to know any more details, and once again, THANK YOU!

This is what our classroom looks like thanks to all of you!  We managed to complete the classroom renovation a few weeks before schools closed due to Covid-19. As you can see, the kids now have individual desks, with rotating seats, and table tops that have personal green boards and white boards! We also painted, got some cabinets, a bulletin board, lights and fans!
The change in classroom environment boosted student learning almost instantly. The personal whiteboards are excellent for Math practice. The individual movable seats helped us include a lot more teamwork and peer learning in our lessons. Infact, students with learning levels below grade level actually showed a year's worth of growth in 3 weeks because our lessons were able to incorporate peer to peer learning thanks to the new set up!
The students and I are so grateful for your support! The best part is, this has inspired the Government School teachers to shift the way they think about learning environment and are now thinking of ways to improve other classrooms in the school as well!
Please feel free to reach out to me if you'd like to know any more details, and once again, THANK YOU!
5th December 2019
Thanks to all the contributors, we are about to place our order for the furniture and pin board of the class. Will post photos once its done!
Thanks to all the contributors, we are about to place our order for the furniture and pin board of the class. Will post photos once its done!