"After I Lost My Dad To Accident, The Struggles I Saw, I | Milaap
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"After I Lost My Dad To Accident, The Struggles I Saw, I Don't Want Other Needy Children To Go Through"

I am Nikita Ruparel, Founder of Chhoti Si Asha

When I was in 8th standard, my father died in a train accident. After that, everything changed. Life became very difficult. There were days when my mother and I had no food to eat. I saw my mother asking people for help so I could continue my education. She never gave up, and her struggle inspired me to help other children like me.

That’s why I started Chhoti Si Asha—a small coaching center for children in need. 

I began with just three kids from a construction site. Today, we have over 200 children learning with us. We don’t just teach English, Math, and Computers—we help them become good human beings too.

I remember a little girl who memorized the names of all Indian states in just 12 seconds! We celebrate such small achievements because they show how talented these children are. But their struggles don’t end when they leave our center. Many of them walk 5-6 kilometers just to attend class, and when they go home, they return to the same poverty.

My dream is to build a real school where these children can stay, learn, and grow.
But we are facing money problems. We need a bigger space, more teachers, books, uniforms, transport, and basic facilities for our students. Education can change their lives, but we need your help to make it happen.

I have given everything to this mission, but I can’t do it alone. If you believe that these children deserve a better future, please support us. Even a small donation can bring a big change.

Click here to donate.

EIN 20-5139364

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