Help Loganathan Recover | Milaap
Help Loganathan Recover
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Need Rs.3,00,000
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    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Mettupalayam Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu

Loganathan (about 25 years old) is only son to their parents, who are growing goats/sheeps for livelihood, in a remote village near Mettupalayam (Coimbatore).
Loganathan has completed B.Sc. (Tourism Development), but didn't go to any job, due to his health issues, from childhood.
They couldn't continue medicines in the earlier years (due to financial issues), which aggravated the condition, and currently both kidneys have failed.
He got admitted into GKNM Hospital, Coimbatore, where they have advised for kidney transplant at the earliest and identified his mother as the donor. The expenses are about 8L including the dialysis procedure that he is undergoing now.
They have sold all their goats/sheeps and got about 75K, which is spent in these two months for diagnosis & dialysis. Now they are planning to sell their house in village which would yield about 1L. With Govt insurance 2L, and relatives support of 1L, they will still need 3L.
The funds raised will be used for the surgery.

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