• SK

    Created by

    Sanjay Kumar
  • C

    This fundraiser will benefit


    from Palamu Jharkhand

पानी में 'जहर' का असर
 झारखंड के चुरकू गांव में पानी में फ्लोराइड की मात्रा बेहद ज्यादा है। इससे यहां युवा भी गंभीर बीमारी का शिकार हैं। पानी की खराब गुणवत्ता का जिंदगी पर असर किस कदर पड़ सकता है। इसकी एक बानगी झारखंड के एक गांव में देखी जा सकती है। पानी में मौजूद फ्लोराइड (Fluoride) की वजह से यहां के एक गांव में लोगों को 50 साल की उम्र भी नसीब नहीं हो पा रही है। पूरे गांव में सिर्फ एक ही शख्स 50 की उम्र को पार कर सका है। झारखंड में पलामू जिले के चुकरू गांव में जहरीले पानी ने जिंदगी को तहस नहस करके रख दिया है। खराब पानी की वजह से गांव के ज्यादातर लोग बीमारी के शिकार हो चुके हैं। गंभीर बीमारियों की वजह से उनकी मौत हो रही है।
गांव में रहने वाले स्थानीय लोगों का कहना है कि पानी में फ्लोराइड होने की वजह से यहां लोगों को शारीरिक विकलांगता का शिकार होना पड़ रहा है। गांव के ही रहने वाले राजेश्वर पाल कहते हैं कि 'यह जहरीला पानी हमारी हड्डियों और दांतों को नुकसान पहुंचा रहा है। इस वजह से गांव के कई युवा अपनी जिंदगी खो चुके हैं।'
ग्रामीणों का कहना है कि लंबे अर्से से वह पानी की समस्या से जूझ रहे हैं लेकिन सरकार इसका कोई ठोस उपाय निकालने के बजाय उन्हें पलायन का कहती है। राजेश्वर पाल आगे कहते हैं कि ' हम लोग पिछले 25 सालों से इस समस्या का सामना कर रहे हैं। इस गांव में कोई भी 50 साल से ज्यादा की उम्र का नहीं है। मैं 69 साल का हूं और मैं इस गांव का सबसे उम्रदराज आदमी हूं। सरकार हमें सलाह देती है कि हम गांव छोड़ दें, लेकिन हम सब लोग विकलांग हो चुके हैं। हम लोग किसी दूसरी जगह पर कैसे गुजर बसर कर सकेंगे।'
The presence of fluoride in drinking water is leading to physical disabilities among residents of a village Chukru in Jharkhand's Palamu district. Reports of multiple residents of Chukru village experiencing health hazards owing to the consumption of contaminated water have come to light. The phenomenon in question is fluorosis, a chronic condition caused by excessive intake of fluorine compounds. Consumption of contaminated water in Jharkhand's Chukru village resulted in many people being disabled. Hundreds are suffering from fluorosis. Nearly half the residents have gnarled bones, stooped backs and deformed teeth. It is a major cause of physical disabilities since decades. 

Rajeshwar Pal, a villager says, "the contaminated water damages our bones& teeth. Many young people have lost their lives" We are facing this issue since last 25 years. Nobody in the village is above 50-year-old. I am 69-year-old & I am the oldest person here. How can we survive somewhere else? Residents of a village in Jharkhand's Palamu district claim that they have been consuming water contaminated with fluoride for the past 25 years.
A level of 2.5 mg F/L was found to be a critical threshold for manifestations of crippling skeletal fluorosis. Ingestion of excessive Fluoride, most commonly in drinking water can cause fluorosis which affects the teeth and bone. Moderate amounts lead to dental effects, but long-term ingestion of large amounts can lead to potentially severe skeleton problems. Fluoride concentrations exceeding 2.5 mg F/L in the drinking water appear to be critical for manifestation of severe forms of skeletal fluorosis in the subjects. Malnutrition because of poverty and diets deficient in calcium and vitamin C are known to aggravate symptoms of fluorosis. Habitual consumption of excess amounts of tea and tobacco-based items were observed in all age groups, and these substances often contain elevated levels of Fluoride, thereby increasing the body burden of Fluoride in already affected subjects. The average estimated intake of F from water used for drinking and cooking in this Chukru village by many typical malnourished adults weighing 52 Kg only.
Chronic high-level exposure to fluoride leads to skeletal fluorosis. In skeletal fluorosis, fluoride accumulates in the bone progressively over many years. The early symptoms of skeletal fluorosis, include stiffness and pain in the joints. In severe cases, the bone structure has changed and resulted impairment of muscles and pain.
High Fluoride concentration in the drinking water was found to have marked systemic effects on the IQ of children. Recent research showed that exposure to high concentration of Fluoride - does have deleterious effect on the mental ability of children. A strong association between exposure to fluoride and low IQ was found and it was also noted that children who live in fluorosis prevalent areas have higher chances of developing a low IQ than those who live in normal areas.
Interventions required : Immediate  Support
A community-based water defluorination strategy should be adopted as a part of the intervention should include imparting awareness of the ill effects from Fluoride in drinking water and promoting defluorination of drinking water and setting up a recharging centre for them in village. Removal of excessive fluoride from drinking-water is difficult and expensive. The preferred option is to find a supply of safe drinking-water with safe fluoride levels. Where access to safe water is already limited, de-fluoridation may be the only solution. Methods include the use of bone charcoal, contact precipitation, use of Nalgonda, or activated alumina. Household defluorination along with improved nutrition rich in calcium is recommended for the amelioration of fluorosis in these villages.

Support required:
Community-based water treatment or defluorination unit (1 Unit 2000Liter/ Hr. Capacity) for safe drinking water.

Rs.1350000.00 with all infrastructure, equipment, fixtures, accessories, and installation charges.

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