Help My Son To Undergo Liver Transplantation | Milaap
Help My Son To Undergo Liver Transplantation
of Rs.22,00,000
73 supporters
  • A

    Created by

    Md Ejaz
  • So

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Son of Naheda Tabassum

    from Kolkata, West Bengal

As a mother, my world revolves around the dreams and aspirations of my son. The mere thought of his bright eyes filled with curiosity and ambition, fills my heart with warmth and hope. Yet, chronic liver disease has stolen his energy, his joy, and his dreams of returning to school to pursue his passion of becoming a police inspector.

I can still remember the sparkle in his eyes when he spoke about his future, about protecting the weak and standing up for justice. His determination to make a difference, to be the beacon of hope in a world filled with darkness, filled me with pride and admiration. But now, as he lies in pain, his dreams fading with each passing day, I feel a deep sense of helplessness and despair.

However, amidst the despair, there is a glimmer of hope - the possibility of a liver transplant. I'm ready to give a part of my liver to save him. I want him to smile and play like he used to. But the transplant costs a lot of money, and we can't afford it.

I really hope someone can help us. My son deserves a chance to live his dreams and go back to school. He wants to be a police officer so badly, and I believe he can do it. Please, if you can, help us save our son. Your kindness can make all the difference in the world to us.

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