I am fundraising to help my project on malnourished children | Milaap
I am fundraising to help my project on malnourished children in MP
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Need Rs.3,00,000
  • Jinit

    Created by

    Jinit Soni

A state of Madhya Pradesh suffers from poverty and high level of Acute Malnutrition among under 5 years of age. Malnutrition affects 60% of children in Madhya Pradesh. Data Shows that the state of malnutrition here is higher than the Sub-Saharan Africa which is one the poorest nations. Severe malnutrition among chidren is highest in MP according to National Family Health Survey 2006. Child mortality rate is very high in many tribal areas (140 out of 1000). It was calculated that 1,18,000 infants lost their lives from April 2005 to March 2009. Prolonged under-nutrition also hampers cognitive development and results in poor productivity resulting in the vicious cycle of poverty and malnutrition. As malnutrition has no immediate sign of illness, it is slow! I have been to the affected communities and have seen how worse the situation is. I believe that any change can happen with children, be it health or education, in order to make society better to live. I am asking for help for those kids.  

During my first visit to their communities, I have talked to them, taken interviews, made a brief documentary. I did it in association with an NGO working for them, named Jan Sahas. I have a local support from the NGO and community people to further take this project. Being an independent photojournalist, I intend to document the over all situation in depth, covering factors(like child marriage, superstitions that keep new-born babies deprived of first milk of their mothers, living conditions, ignorance for vaccination, lack of care of pregnant women, and many more to study) causing malnutrition among children. My purpose is to unfold their stories through press, social media, and tell people about this ignored issue prevailing in MP for decades.

You can watch the rough video I created during my visit here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcZNOfx5EF0

I did not have budget for the above video. With given funds from you all, I am planning to stay in MP for 9 to12 months, organize awareness campaigns, strengthen medical care accessibility and awareness to use it, and take the issue in public through media. The districts I will cover are Khargone, Panna and Dewas. 

In case of any question, you can please contact me on facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jinit16

or comment here. 

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