THE PROBLEM: Informal labor industries in India are prime source of livelihood for about 120 million women-workers. This segment, especially the cottage-based industries, is marred with nil or out-dated technologies leading to intense manual labor, inefficiency and poor productivity. It is often associated with drudgery, exploitative wages and fraudulent middleman system. In lieu of the same, the output generated rarely reaches the worker behind it.
THE SOLUTION: TinkerTank Design and Technology aims to abolish the middleman system, starting from Paldi-Kankaj, Gujarat. TinkerTank is a social enterprise whose vision is to eliminate the manual drudgery that poor people have to undergo to make a pittance living especially the women workers involved in cottage-based industries. It designs, manufactures and disseminates appropriate, low-cost and high-quality tools and machines which help undeserved people to do their livelihood activities easily and be more productive.
With this objective, TinkerTank is raising fund to allow women workers from Paldi-Kankaj to establish their own enterprise of incense sticks that can provide a sustainable growth and self-reliability to their families.
HOW THE MONEY WILL BE USED: With the fund raised, a self-help group shall be created in the village that will be capable of bearing the operational and capital cost of the enterprise and shall prove worthy of creating sustainability in their life. The money shall be put in by SHG to procure machines helping them to increase the productivity and efficacy of the enterprise.