Upasana's online fundraiser for Children | Milaap
Friends of Himalaya and DHAD are fundraising to bring smiles to the children in Kedarnath
  • Upasana

    Created by

    Upasana Josh
  • Fo

    This fundraiser will benefit

    Friends of Himalaya

    from Kedarnath, Uttarakhand

'Renewing Himalaya' - पुनरोत्थान, फ्रेंड्स ऑफ़ हिमालय और धाद का संयुक्त प्रयास हैं जिसके अंतर्गत केदारनाथ आपदा में अपना सब कुछ खो चुके परिवारों के साथ कुछ कार्य किया जा रहा है। जवान विधवाओ को प्रशिक्षण तथा उनके बच्चो को छात्र वृति 800 रुपये प्रतिमाह।
ये सिलसिला लगभग डेढ़ साल से चल रहा है. हालाँकि मुझे हमेशा से लगता है कि इन बच्चो को पैसे के अलावा भी और बहुत कुछ चाहिए। पिता का स्थान तो हम लोग ले नहीं सकते पर संरक्षण तो दे ही सकते है. इन्हे पढ़ाई - लिखाई, दुनिया को समझने और जानने में , डर और भय मिटाने में , शर्मीला पन छोड़कर दुनिया से आँख से आँख मिलाकर देखने की हिम्मत , नेतृत्व क्षमता आदि की भी जरूरत है। 
आज ज्यादातर बड़े शहरो में और यहाँ तक कि छोटे शहरो और कस्बो में भी ग्रीष्म कालीन कैंप लग रहे हैं , जहाँ पर उपरोक्त लिखित विषयोँ पर विषय विशेषज्ञ बच्चो के साथ काम करते है। इन कैंपो की फीस भी काफी ज्यादा होती है। 
इन गरीब बच्चो काकोई नहीं है , जवान विधवा माँ , अपना दुःख देखे या बच्चो की नेतृत्व क्षमता विकसित करने के लिए अपना पैसा खर्च करे। इसलिए हम लोगों ने सोचा है कि हम इन बच्चो के लिए दस दिवसीय ग्रीष्म कालीन कैंप लगाया जाय जहाँ पर बच्चो को खेलकूद और गीत संगीत के माध्यम से नेतृत्व क्षमता विकसित की जाय। बच्चो के अंदर से डर भगाया जाय. किसी विषय को क्योँ पड़ा जाता है और उस विषय का जीवन में क्या महत्व है , इस बात को समझाया जाय। 
इस कैंप के लिए हम सरकार- मंत्री या किसी नेता से भी पैसा ले सकते थे. पर हम ऐसा करके आपदा पीडितो के जख्मो पर नमक नहीं लगाना चाहते हैं। इसलिए छोटी- छोटी आर्थिक मदद ले कर बड़ी संख्या में लोगों को इस कार्यकर्म से जोड़ना चाहते है। इसके लिए हमने milap.orgनामक crowd funding प्लेटफार्म का इस्तेमाल कर सकते है। इसमे कोई भी व्यक्ति कहीं भी बैठकर छोटी छोटी धनराशि से मदद कर सकता है। हम आप सब से अपील करना चाहते है कि कार्य मे हमारी सहायता करें। आप पैसा भी दे सकते है और अगर पैसा नहीं देना चाहते है तो स्वयं कैंप मे आकर अपनी रूचि अनुसार बच्चो के मार्ग दर्शन कर सकतें है। 

Why am I fundraising?

The Himalayan state of Uttarakhand received very heavy rainfall (about 375% more rainfall, than the benchmark during a normal monsoon), between 14th to 17th June 2013. Kedarnath Valley, the temple town of Uttarakhand, was at the epicentre of the disaster and witnessed nature’s wrath. Heavy rains resulted in large flash floods and massive landslides which damaged houses, resorts and other structures. Several villages and settlements were completely wiped off. As per the state government, at least 5700 people perished of which 934 were local residents. The remoteness and inaccessibility of the region led to further distress and fatality. Kedarnath deluge led to humungous economic losses along with social tragedy which remains unaccounted.

Several children lost their fathers during the Mishap. Fatherless children are vulnerable to various social  ills prevalent in the society.  As they belong to the marginalized families, having lost their fathers during the flood, their families don't have enough money to sustain themselves, as most of the locals that were killed during the mishap were associated with Kedarnath temple in one way or other.  After the disaster, (when they lost their father) most of these children were about to leave education to join some jobs, and also the fear of human trafficking was prevailing there.  We as a organisation under our RENEWING HIMALAYAS Initiative ( A joint project of FOH and DHAD)motivated them to continue their education and in order to motivate their families, we started giving Rs.800 as scholarship to their families. For almost 2 years, we are providing Rs 800 to them. In order to keep the issue transparent, we have opened bank account in their mother's name. On 10th January 2015, a two way dialogue with state authorities and children in the presence of Hon’ble Chief Minister of Uttarakhand was conducted. It was in this event that a recommendation for organising a summer camp was suggested. It was suggested that during this emotional trauma they require not only emotional counseling but they also require proper grooming and support for continous education.  

During the camp we plan to have sessions on science, maths, arts along with motivational classes. This will help in the overall development of the children. Sessions on builing team spirit, leadership and confidence will be given. Experts from different fields will mentor the children.


·         Our main motive to introduce such kind of program will encourage children to take interest in studies and learning because these are important tools for making career and life better. We expect that this program will generate more curiosity, thrust of knowledge and quest for more learning among our children.

·         We aim to create more awareness among our children about the importance of study and learning.

·         We want to simplify their way of learning and perceiving things around the world. We wish to connect them with the main stream people and also want them to talk to them to clear their personal issues as well.

·         After this program we are expecting that at least our children will not be that shy they use to be and will take part in each and every part of everything which matters to them or related to them.

·         They will emerge with leadership quality, better understanding and coordination among themselves and with others. They will dismantle the barrier of fear and inferior complexity which annoys both speaker and listener.

·         At last, we hope and expect some fruitful outcome in return of our hard work which we wish and aim to do in our camp for our children

What do I plan to do with the funds?

Funds will be utilised for the 100 children @ 2000/child. break up given below:

Food Cost:   Rs. 1000 for 10 days ( inclusive of all),

Travel (To and Fro): Rs. 200 per child,

Miscellaneous : Rs 500 Per child (Miscellaneous),  

Gift item and prizes: Rs 300 per child 


‘‘Renewing Himalaya’ is a joint initiative of ‘DHAD’ a social & cultural organisation registered under Society Registration Act of 1860 with registration number 343/2000 dated 31-08-2000, and ‘Friends of Himalaya’- a trust registered under Indian Trust Act with registration No 17869, dated 15 December 2006. 

Under this programme we are trying to develop a synergetic system of collaboration with outer world to support the Kedarnath victims. In one hand we have initiated a dialogue with the community as well as system and on the other hand we are directly investing in present and future generation through imparting skill development and scholarship schemes respectively.   

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